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Run a console command in the container

docker exec -it <containerName> /var/www/wallabag/bin/console <command> --env=prod

List commands

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console list --env=prod

Get help for a command

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console help <command> --env=prod

Initialize the database

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod --no-interaction

Migrate database

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=prod --no-interaction

List users

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console wallabag:user:list --env=prod

Create a new user

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console fos:user:create --env=prod

Make a user super admin

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console fos:user:promote <user> --super --env=prod

Demote and deactivate the initial wallabag user

docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console fos:user:demote wallabag --super --env=prod
docker exec -it wallabag /var/www/wallabag/bin/console fos:user:deactivate wallabag --env=prod